Thursday, October 8, 2015

10 - 12

Some days it's hard to remember to do this.

  1. It's almost Friday.
  2. I was able to pull out my butterfly even though I was seething inside.
  3. Unlimited soup, salad & breadsticks.
  4. Great conversation/bonding during.
  5. Having bright red hair.
  6. Baby fishes.
  7. It's the perfect temperature to have the house opened up.
  8. Amicci'a thin crust pizza was surprisingly ok.
  9. My homework is done for next week already.
  10. Picmonkey.
  11. At Home's return policy.
  12. I'm my snorkapotomus' favorite.
  13. The ice cream trucks.
  14. Deal sites.
  15. Having all of our outfits for photos taken care of already.

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